by Karen Wotherspoon | Jun 12, 2018 | Blog, Mortgage
A home is the largest purchase most people will make in their lives. That should reinforce the importance of planning ahead, doing your research, relying on the advice of experts and not rushing through the process. With nearly 700,000 homes purchased in Canada each...
by Karen Wotherspoon | Jun 5, 2018 | Blog
Did you know that the average Canadian will spend roughly 11 months actively engaged in the house buying process? However, most of the dreaming (and preparation) happens before then. Buying a home is a big deal, and it’s a decision that shouldn’t be taken...
by Karen Wotherspoon | May 30, 2018 | Announcements, Blog, Mortgage
The Bank of Canada today maintained its target for the overnight rate at 1¼ per cent. The Bank Rate is correspondingly 1½ per cent and the deposit rate is 1 per cent. Global economic activity remains broadly on track with the Bank’s April Monetary Policy Report (MPR)...
by Karen Wotherspoon | May 22, 2018 | Blog, Homeownership, Mortgage
If you have a variable rate mortgage, and recent economic news has you thinking about locking into a fixed rate, here is what you can expect will happen. Firstly, your lender will be very happy as they will now make considerably more money off you. Not only will your...
by Karen Wotherspoon | May 15, 2018 | Blog, Homeownership
As property prices continue to rise across Canada, the conversation around “how to climb the property ladder” has made a subtle shift to “how to get on the property ladder in the first place.” Especially if you’re single. Whereas before...